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자연과 인간중심의 에너지 공학

[Notice] Registration of partnership with Prime Plasma Company

Biofirends Admin

view : 492


The two companies have partnered with each other to jointly develop plasma turquoise hydrogen producing carbon neutral technology that combines Prime Plasma's DC Plasma technology and Biofriend's DME application technology.


The PCNS (Plasma Carbon Neural System) process is a technology for the business of making Renewable hydrogen(rHydrogen) and Renewable DME(rDME) from biogas and methane, and carbon black refined in this process will be recycled in various industries such as fuel cells, semiconductors, and polymer carbon.


Biofriend Inc. will continue to make efforts for the growth of the eco-friendly business market and the clean energy supply market.


The green energy business that thinks about the future environment, Biofriends will join us.

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